Although Texas has recovered from the severe drought of the past few years, conservation is the easiest way to ensure that there is enough water for future growth. In fact, water Conservation is an essential part.
If you’re concerned about wasted water or just looking for ways to lower your water bill, then we suggest some of the methods below.
You might often assume that the heat of summer will lead to more water consumption. That’s because lawns, gardens, and even swimming pools demand a lot of it. But the truth is during summer even indoor water costs are still 50 to 70 percent of your monthly water bill.
Take Care of Texas suggests the following tips for reducing your indoor water use this summer:
Replace your toilet. If you have an old water hog of a toilet, it uses a lot more water than it really needs to. A newer, more efficient toilet you can save 13,000 gallons of water a year. That’s about $110 in savings for the average household.
Use the dishwasher wisely. Washing dishes by hand consumes nearly 5,000 more gallons of water a year. Operating automatic dishwashers with a full load can help you save water. Instead of rinsing dirty dishes, try scraping food waste from them. Using a “light wash” feature also conserves water. An ENERGY STAR dishwasher is, on average, 30 percent more water efficient than standard models and will save about 3,870 gallons of water over its lifetime.
Fix leaks. Check your faucets, and fix any leaks you find. A faucet leaking at a rate of one drop per second can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year. That’s the amount of water needed to take more than 180 showers!
Trade up to an ENERGY STAR clothes washer. A full-sized ENERGY STAR clothes washer uses 13 gallons of water per load, compared to the 23 gallons used by a standard machine. That saves 3,000 gallons of water per year. They also use about 25 percent less energy which could save you $45 per year on your utility bill.
Install water-efficient showerheads and faucet aerators. Standard showerheads use 2.5 gallons per minute, but a showerhead that earned the WaterSense label uses no more two gpm. This adds up to a savings of about 2,900 gallons of water per year. And replacing old, inefficient faucets and aerators can save the average family 700 gallons of water per year. Using less hot water also means your water heater uses less energy.
Reasons to Conserve
Conserving water can help increase profits. Some of the financial benefits to consider when evaluating water conservation are:
1. Reduced costs—water costs account for 1–2 percent of a business’ overhead. Saving water can help reduce overhead costs.
2. Increase in future water prices—water prices are set to rise above inflation. Saving water now will reduce costs in the future.
3. Production efficiency—using water efficiently will make additional water available for future production.
4. Tax benefits—many government agencies and water utilities provide rebates, grants, and tax relief to encourage water conservation. Tax benefits keep money where it belongs, in your pocket.
In Texas, various tax exemptions can be given for:
a. Rainwater harvesting systems
b. Water recycling and reuse systems
c. Desalinization systems
d. Wastewater systems certified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
e. Brush control equipment designed to increase water availability
Water Conservation
Summary: The Laguna Madre Water District Water Conservation Plan was approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in 2020. The Five-year Water Conservation Plan provides an outline of current water conservation initiatives approved by the Board of Directors of the LMWD and conservation measures for the future. Execution of these programs will definitely help the LMWD meet its water conservation goals, and will also allow the District to save money by delaying the construction and expansion of water treatment plants and purchase of additional water rights.
Drought Restrictions:
The Laguna Madre Water District uses the drought and emergency contingency plan during a drought or a number of other uncontrollable circumstances that can disrupt the normal availability of the District water supply. In addition, the purpose of this plan is to conserve and limit the demand of water during emergencies in the LMWD’s water system.
Stage 1 Triggers- Voluntary conservation is the first phase of the plan. This stage is always in effect unless a higher phase is required and enacted.
Stage 2 Triggers- Mild Water Shortage Conditions. This stage initiates when the level of U.S water stored in Amistad and Falcon Reservoirs reaches 51% or 1,660,000 AF (or below). When the level of water is above this amount, this stage may be terminated.
Stage 3 Triggers- Moderate Water Shortage Conditions. This stage initiates during peak demand days such as Texas Week, Easter, Memorial Day, and Labor Day. When the level of U.S water stored in Amistad and Falcon Reservoirs reaches 25% of 834,600 MAF (or below).
Stage 4 Triggers- Severe Water Shortage Conditions- This stage initiates when the level of U.S. water stored in Amistad and Falcon Reservoirs reaches 15% or 504,600 MAG (or below). When the level of water is above this amount, his stage may be terminated.
Please review Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan for complete information Click here for more information.......